
Stats: +5 free berserker class skills, +5 free combat skills, -4 common skills. Mugol Warlocks or Cravens (witches) get +7 spells of choice free (innate magic) but can take no other spells, and have a blanket level on spells with level 7 start level. Warlocks and Cravens become Mugol Liches at level 40 innate magic and gain additional +5 spells and intelligence, and gain a Phylactery which guards them from true death unless phylactery is found and destroyed before they are killed. Phylactery has same HP as the Mugol Lich and takes on a shade form (form chosen by the Mugol) when damaged. Shade can command the same spells as the Lich.

Immutable Magic Resistance: 85% (non-mages) 50% (warlocks or cravens)
Wisdom: 12 max
Dexterity: 15 max
Elemental Resistance: +60%
Improved Stamina: +10
Improved Strength: +8
Intelligence: 10 max unless leader
+8 Regeneration
+16 fortitude
+50 Health
Mortal (vulnerable to fatal injuries and disease)
Long Lifespan (up to 250 years)
Mountain Trolls: +5 dexterity and fortitude, +25 health, -20% heat resistance.
Pit Trolls: +5 perception and stealth, nightvision, +20% cold resistance, +1 d6 sun damage per turn. -10 perception in sun.
Sand Trolls: +6 willpower, +4 stamina, +30% heat and poison resistance, -20% cold resistance.

Classes: Warrior, Guardian, Merchant, Assassin, Rogue, Slave


    Mugol (moo-gOl) are large, mongaloid people of Mephais deserts, isolated mountain areas, caverns and underground ruins. They are more commonly called Hill, Sand and Pit trolls. These creatures were born out of the barren seas deserts and the high mountains of Mephais from two clans of human people so isolated that thousands of years of primative living and reliable inbreeding caused abnormalites in their physical and mental DNA. Mugols escaping slavery or harsh winters in the mountains went underground to caves, catacombs, and ruins becoming the Pit Trolls. Their males are giants, anywhere from eight to twelve feet tall, the females six to eight feet tall. They are all hairless and the males are very muscular, their skin tough from a hard life in the desert, mountains or undergrounds. They are brutishly ugly and not very intelligent, which often gives them an almost innocently pitiful look. All brawn, no brain, although occasionally, one of them is born that has an insane genius, or as a savant prodigy, but this happens very rarely. Those rare few who are born as geniuses, become leaders of Mugol tribes, and any who would attempt to capture them live to regret it. These born leaders are more commonly females. Many of the Mugol were captured and enslaved by Hesstromeph's leaders, and dominated to serve the Eastfold as warrior brute squads, trained to weild heavy weapons and to fight. Women are not safe from these beastly men, which will capture women and keep them prisoner for 'breeding' purposes. Their own women are very ugly as well, and if not for their slighter figures, breasts, and more delicate features, it would be hard to tell the difference between their genders. These abominate humans are sometimes captured and sold as slaves the world over, with warnings, that though strong, tough, and very able as guards or laborers, they are also dangerous, particularly around women. Their skin is a light brown, others medium brown, and their eye color varies. Lifespan upwards of 250 years.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008