Blood Sorcery

Note: Vulcan Anubian, GM chosen Vampire Clans, Blood Mages, and Blood Liches ONLY - Power vs. Counter

1-{1-3} Bestial Trance - Charms victim while mage is feeding
2-{4-6} Crimson Flame - Using blood energy to project a flame
3-{7-9} Enrapture - Using blood energy to enchant a subject
4-{10-12} Arcane Domination - Dominate channeling blood energy
5-{13-15} Blood Source - Transcendental transfusion of blood
6-{16-18} Dervish Flame - Ignites a victim's blood into flames
7-{19-21} Oblation of Life - Transcendental removal of blood
8-{22-24} Master of Enslavement - Use blood to enslave and burn mark of possession
9-{25-27} Arcane Prowess - Blood energy tapped to make mage incredibly strong and render them invulnerable to physical damage.
10-{28-30} Abyssal Decay - Mage can devour blood, will, essence, soul by touch through opening a metaphysical vacuum within themselves, decaying their victim rapidly.
11-{31-35} Blood Cauldron
Stage One - Mage can create a blood cauldron, out of an ordinary cauldron, by invoking Saolinn Dirgban the Goddess of Blood, with an offering of half their blood. When the goddess is invoked she tells the mage to spill their blood into the cauldron. The goddess in turn awakens the spirits of life and death inside the cauldron, of creation and ends. The goddess also protects the cauldron 44 d6-LoD vs. Power to Destroy or affect cauldron.The only blood within the cauldron is four pints of the mages blood as it was first offered. If this blood is ever spilled out of the cauldron, the mage must offer half his/her blood to the cauldron again. Stamina is only paid ONCE to this cauldron, to invoke the goddess the first time. After that the cauldron feeds on blood offerings and its master's will.
Stage Two - The mage's will slowly becomes the cauldron's, and visa-versa, and no one but the mage who created the cauldron can command it. Blood must be given to the cauldron to activate its powers, in the amount of one pint for every command given the cauldron. All Blood Sorcery spells cast through the Cauldron are automatically sealed and proofed against disenchantments (+2), and can be cast at level 35. The cauldron soaks all blood spilled into it. When all the mage's will is gone, the cauldron turns the mage into a Bleeding Terror Lich. Cauldron uses -1 Willpower per command used through the cauldron.
Stage Three - The mage's will is returned to them as a Lich, while all the Bleeding Terror's arcane power and a great deal of their life force is transferred to a secret object to form their phylactery, or vital force. This object must be destroyed to destroy the Lich. The cauldron's TRUE power is unlocked as the mage becomes a Lich. Through the cauldron the Lich can formulate Blood Sorcery powers, enchant items with existing or formulated commands, create wards and artifacts, enslave others, kill them, even mutate, or create monsters out of other creatures, learn and practice Necromancy with up to 4 spells in each level. In a word...Bleeding Terror Liches are POWERFUL, and NOT pleasant to look at either. These Liches have a strong tendency to be as hungry for power as for blood, and not very nice. It was power lust which got them where they are in the first place, after all. See Races: Blood Lich Page.
12-{36} Tribute of Life - Blood Lich only. Lich offers a victim to their Blood Cauldron to enhance cauldron's power, or to regain some of their former vampiric appearance. if the cauldron has devoured the blood, souls, and lives of 10 victims by the time the Lich reaches level 40, they gain a subrace shift, although IN this shift, they can only command levels 1-35. Tribute of Life powers the cauldron by +4 otherwise.
12-{37-40} God of Blood - Bleeding Terror Lich can call on the power of the cauldron even at a distance to improve their powers, and can Cast any Blood Sorcery or Necromantic powers at these levels when mastered.

Users of Limited Paths

    Most mortal magic wielders have limited paths. There are few exceptions. These paths are also sometimes passed down through blood lines by immortals. The advantage to Limited Paths is that it makes a mage more specialized. These paths cost half that of full paths.

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