Common Poltergeist

Levels: 2 d6, 3 d6 checks

Appearance: Distorted size and spirit shape of creature they were in life. Invisible to the naked eye. Metaphysical or spirit sight required to see them. Poltergeists are actually lessor-phantoms.

Checks: Strength: Level+3, Dexterity: 9-12, Stealth: 21-25, Movement: Level+1, Stamina: Limitless, Intelligence: 9-12, Instincts: 10-13, Willpower: Level+10

Traits: Poltergeists are both tangible and ethereal. Their spirit force makes them telekinetic, but an aura surrounds them, making them visible, when they tap this force and apply it (seen for 3 turns).

Damage: Holy powers, light, and electrical attacks do 5 damage. Raise the dead does 10 damage.

Attack Damage: Level = Attack Damage.

HP: Level = Hits to Destroy.

Haunt: Chill presence, -1-willpower, -1 stamina
Telekinesis: inborn powers, move things around, pick things up, throw them, grapple things, etc.

Immunities: Mental attacks, Attacks that affect the will, Disease, Cold, Fire, All other attacks but those listed under damage.


    Poltergeists are powerful ghosts of people or creatures who died a traumatic, unexpected, dreadful, or miserable death. Their death made them restless and unable to pass into one of the kingdoms of afterlife, while others simply could not pass over because they could not find the way, or resisted it. These are the ghosts which typically haunt a place, bang around, and move things.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008